Multiple years later...

Before I truly begin, check out this massive cactus that I ran into on a road trip from San Diego to Los Cabos! Insane they can get that big!

Let me start off by saying what an incredible year this has been, both good and bad! With this pandemic dragging on (glad the vaccine is out but not glad we're still in the thick of it) to my project cars coming along, it's been a crazy year. Where do I start?! I guess I can start off where I last left off. 

The year was 2020...wait why does it sound like this post is happening way off in the future. If this doesn't get posted sooner than later I'm going to lose it! It's been too long since the last time I posted anything online! I need to be more consistent on when I post and what I post. Just like learning any new skill, practice and persistence make perfect! It's all about the PP to make that final P. P.S. I also bought the new iPhone 12 (13 was just announced!)

Anyways. where were we...Ah yes, at the end of 2020, just bought a nice little Porsche Boxster, working on getting it nice and buttoned-up, when all of a sudden one day I start seeing white smoke shooting from the rear end! It was at that moment, that I knew I f***ed up! Well...sort of. Luckily, I was only a few exits from home and headed straight back. After a quick inspection, it didn't seem like I had destroyed the engine. The engine sounded good, with no crazy or weird noises from the rear of the vehicle. So I went to good ole Google to find out what could be the problem. The first thing I typed was...."Porsche Boxster 986 white smoke" thing I see is "WHITE SMOKE...WHAT COULD IT MEAN?" Luckily it seems like this is a pretty common issue with these vehicles and it turns out a fancy named air-oil separator (AOS) could be the root cause of all this white smoke. Turns out it's just a plastic tube that does literally that, separates the air/gasses from the crankcase, and directs them to the intake manifold. So off to the races in finding a replacement part and well replacing it! Once again, luckily this part is relatively inexpensive and somewhat easy to replace, took a grand total of 2 days to get to the house and one evening to replace it! and Voila! no more white smoke out of the tailpipe!

So far so good on the Boxster, next there were a few items that needed up-keeping such as replacing the seats, headlights, horn spaces, spark plugs, and engine mount (middle one) that we went through from November through the beginning of 2021! Fast forward and the car is overall driving well, with newer headlights, seats, horn works, and a set of nice 911 wheels but the car still needs a new rearview plastic cover. All thanks to a few folks for providing some of those parts! I would say, the car still needs paint near the rear of the vehicle, small minor aesthetic items.

This brings us up to the beginning of 2021 but this is for another time!

P.S. Here's a cool throwback picture of my 2000 NB Miata (I truly do miss this little car)


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